Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 20 October 2020

We, at Phoenixoid (“Phoenixoid”, “we” or “us”), are committed to respecting your privacy and the integrity and security of your personal data.

This Privacy Policy applies to, all other sites or online services that is owned or operated by Phoenixoid, all mobile games published by Phoenixoid, Phoenixoid games that can be played through third party platforms (collectively “Services”) We reserve the right to change our practices and this Privacy Policy at any time. Each time a user accesses our Services the current version of the Privacy Policy applies, and you agree that the personal data we collect will be subject to the Privacy Policy, as updated. We encourage you to check this page regularly so that you know our current practices.

1. What Data We Collect

The personal data we collect will depend on the circumstances and the Services you are using. We collect data in three ways: (a) data you provide to us; (b) data we collect automatically; and (c) data we collect from our partners.

  1. Data you provide to us

  2. Data we collect automatically

  3. Data we collect from our partners

2. Why Do We Collect Your Data

  1. To make the Services work

  2. To perform the contract, we process data necessary to:

  3. To make the Services more suitable for our players

  4. To provide a great Services to our players, we have a legitimate interest to collect and process necessary data to:

  5. To show personalized advertisements

  6. To show you personalized advertisements in the Services we have a legitimate interest to process necessary data to:

  7. To keep the Services safe and fair

    In order to keep the Services and its social features safe and fair, to fight fraud and ensure acceptable use otherwise, we have a legitimate interest to process necessary data to:

  8. To analyze, profile, and segment

    In all of the above cases and purposes, we may analyze, profile and segment all collected data.

3. Who Can See Your Data

Apart from Phoenixoid, your data can be accessed by others in the following situations:

  1. Other players and users

  2. Social features are a core component of our Services. Other players and users may, for example, see your profile data, in-game activities and read the messages you have posted.

  3. Other companies and public authorities

  4. In order to combat fraud and illegal activity, we may exchange data with other companies and organizations and provide it to public authorities in response to lawful requests.

  5. We may also disclose your data based on your consent, to comply with the law or to protect the rights, property or safety of us, our players or others.

  6. Our Service Providers and Partners (view list).

  7. We use third parties to help us operate and improve our Services. These third parties assist us with various tasks, including hosting and maintenance, on-going development, analytics, customer care, marketing, advertising. We may also share information with advertising partners who distribute advertising in our Services.

For further information please go to

4. International Data Transfers

Our Services are global by nature and your data can therefore be transferred to anywhere in the world. Because different countries may have different data protection laws than your own country, we take steps to ensure adequate safeguards are in place to protect your data as explained in this Policy. Adequate safeguards that our partners may use include standard contractual clauses approved by EU Commission and the Privacy Shield certification in case of transfers to the USA.

5. Your Rights and Options

We will respond to all requests within a reasonable timeframe. You may also contact your local data protection authority within the EEA for unresolved complaints.

6. Cookies and Similar Technologies

Like most online services, we and our partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide and personalize the Services, analyse use, target advertisements and prevent fraud. You can disable cookies in your browser settings, but some parts of the Services may then not function properly.

For further information go to

7. How Do We Protect Your Data

8. Age Limits

We appreciate the need to provide extra privacy protections to users who are children. Our Services are intended for use only by those aged 16 and over. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16 years of age. In order to request the deletion of personal data, for any reason, please use the in-app support feature in our Services or contact us at the address provided below and we will take reasonable measures to promptly delete such personal data from our records.

9. Contact us

If you have questions about data protection, or if you have any requests for resolving issues with your personal data, you can contact us at